Sunday, November 14, 2010

First Post!

So I've made a blog...Yayyyy?? Ha.

Turns out my cousin has signed me and pretty much the whole family up for a 5k run in approximately 10 weeks...first response - UH OH! So this blog is to get my cousins off my back (just kiiiiidding) and jump on the bandwagon with them to get in shape and run this 5km mother effer of a race. And beat the aunties. Surely that won't be hard? Well I know the race will be but beating the aunties will just be icing on the cake. A big "stuff you" to the old adage that you turn into your mother, in this case, your aunties too, when you grow old.

I really really really don't want this to be the case, I wanna be active. I wanna be able to get up in the morning and know that I can do anything with my day - snowboarding, horse riding, wakeboarding, hiking, ANYTHING! To not feel self conscious of my lack of fitness or weight or anything and just feel comfortable being me and hanging out with my friends, cos I know I am awesome and I don't need to be held back anymore.

This morning me and my aunty went for a 50 minute walk at 6.30am, it's so good once I'm out there walking but goodness it is a struggle getting up!! Especially on a Monday! But as long as I keep in mind how good I feel once I'm up and active in the beautiful quiet of the morning on the foreshore I will be able to keep this the pressure is on for this race, that certainly is the motivation!!
We are starting the Couch to 5K programme next week, easing ourselves back into the routine.

I can feel my competitive, perfectionist monster surfacing and not gonna lie, I am excited!!


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